Full MLS Listing!

Flat-fee. Full-service.

No commission.

No compromise on service.

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Considering selling your home and want to get listed on MLS without all the high real estate agent and broker commissions fees? We assist you in access the MLS, providing expert marketing tools and systems, and continuous agent support with our Flat-Fee, Full-Service support at Marathon Realty.


What is a flat-fee listing service?

A flat fee MLS is a limited service that helps sellers get their home listed on the local multiple listing service (MLS). The MLS is a private directory of for-sale homes that real estate professionals use to share home details with each other.

Will my service be limited or watered down?

You can expect to receive a higher degree of service, because Marathon Realty works for you, not commissions. We are focused on transparency and customer satisfaction. We commit to providing the best service and promotion to get your home sold.

Are there payment options?

Absolutely! We have two payment options to help you get your home listed and sold.